Restorative Dentistry


Restorative dentistry is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on replacing damaged or missing teeth. Our expert dentists are skilled in removing and repairing cavities, as well as providing comprehensive treatment for various oral conditions. We also specialize in dental repairs due to trauma or injury.

This branch of dentistry encompasses treatments from other areas, including endodontics, prosthodontics, and periodontics. Many patients require holistic care, often necessitating treatment from multiple specialists to ensure optimal oral health.


Composite Laminate 

Composite laminate is a process designed to correct minor deformities in the teeth without the need for cutting. This minimally invasive procedure involves the meticulous application of a special material to the front teeth, allowing the dentist to reshape and enhance their appearance.


What is Composite Laminate Treatment Used For?


  • Repair Broken Teeth: Composite laminate can effectively repair and restore the natural look of broken or chipped teeth.

  •  Close Small Gaps: It is an excellent solution for closing small gaps between teeth, creating a more uniform smile.

  • Extend Teeth Length: If you desire longer teeth, composite laminate can be used to extend the length, enhancing the overall aesthetics of your smile.

  • Change Tooth Color: Composite laminate can also be used to alter the color of your


Advantages of Composite Laminate


  • Minimal Tooth Alteration: This treatment almost does not require shaving of the natural tooth, making it a highly preventive and conservative method.

  • Natural Appearance: The result of composite laminate treatment closely mimics the natural appearance of teeth, ensuring a seamless and aesthetically pleasing outcome.

  • Versatile Treatment: It is a successful method for treating various minor dental problems, offering a flexible solution for different dental issues.

  • Quick Procedure: The procedure time is very short, making it an ideal treatment option for patients with limited time.

  • Cost-Effective: Composite laminate is a less costly process compared to other treatments such as dental veneers or crowns, making it an economical choice.

  • Broad Applicability: Aesthetic composite fillings can be applied to both anterior and posterior teeth, providing versatility in treatment options.

  • Repairable: Damages that may occur from contact with hard objects can be easily repaired, and unlike porcelain laminates, composite laminates do not require complete renewal.


What are the application stages of Composite Laminate?


Composite Laminate treatment is an efficient procedure that generally does not require preliminary preparation and is typically completed within 1-1.5 hours. The exact application time may vary depending on the number of teeth being treated. If there is no need for carious tooth filling, the procedure can be done without anesthesia. Here is an overview of the process:

  1. Material Selection: The dentist selects the filling material that matches the patient's tooth color.

  2. Teeth Cleaning: Before the application, the teeth are thoroughly cleaned to remove any bacteria, tartar, and plaque.

  3. Surface Preparation: The tooth surface is roughened using a special method (phosphoric acid or filing method) to enhance the adhesion of the Composite Lamina material.

  4. Gel Application: An auxiliary gel layer is applied to the tooth to facilitate the Composite Lamina process.

  5. Resin Application: The creamy composite resin, chosen to match the tooth color, is applied to the tooth surface with the help of a brush.

  6. Hardening: UV light is used to harden the composite material.

  7. Shaping: Once the material is hardened, the dentist shapes it to mimic the natural tooth form.

  8. Polishing: Finally, the teeth are polished to achieve the planned aesthetic appearance.



How long does Composite Laminate last?


When the dentist's recommendations are followed, the bonding application can be used for many years. According to collected data, the lifespan of the fillings varies from patient to patient, demonstrating durability between 3-10 years.

At Perla Dental Clinics, we provide comprehensive guidance on maintaining your Composite Lamina to ensure its longevity. By adhering to proper oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups, you can enjoy the benefits of your enhanced smile for many years.


Root Canal Treatment

The primary goal of dentistry is to maintain the patient's healthy teeth and normal chewing ability.

Sometimes, the pulp inside the root canal can become inflamed due to the invasion of unwanted bacteria. In such cases, the dental pulp tissue needs to be removed, the root canal should be cleaned and treated, and the canal cavity should be filled with a tissue-friendly filling.


Today, with the development of modern technology, endodontic root canal treatment can be done painlessly and quickly. Depending on the condition of the tooth, this treatment can be completed in one or two visits at our clinic.


How is Root Canal Treatment Done?


An x-ray is taken to identify the problem. Local anesthesia is applied to eliminate sensation from the teeth and surrounding tissues. Tooth decay is removed, providing access to the pulp in the root canal. Infected dentin layers in the root canal are eliminated. The root canal is then disinfected to remove bacteria. An antiseptic is applied and left in the canal for a while to destroy any remaining bacteria, followed by a temporary filling.

During a second visit, further cleaning of the root canal is performed before a permanent restoration of the tooth is made.



How long does a root canal treated tooth last?


Maintaining healthy teeth is crucial for oral health, and preserving an original tooth is often better than replacing it with an implant or dental bridge. Root canal treatment is recommended for an inflamed tooth to restore it rather than removing the tooth and installing an implant or dental bridge. Teeth that undergo root canal treatment can remain in good oral and dental health for many years or even a lifetime.

Factors that Prolong the Life of a Root Canal Treated Tooth:

  1. Specialist Care: Root canal treatment should be performed by a specialist endodontist to ensure the highest level of care and precision.

  2. Protective Covering: A root canal treated tooth should be covered, typically with a crown, to prevent further bacterial entry into the root canal and to strengthen the tooth.

  3. Post-Treatment Care: Individuals should take special care of their teeth after root canal treatment, including practicing good oral hygiene and avoiding eating hard foods that could damage dental veneers or the treated tooth.

These measures help ensure that a root canal treated tooth remains healthy and functional for many years.



What comes after root canal treatment?


After root canal treatment, it is essential to permanently restore the crown of the tooth to allow the patient to use the tooth normally. When this restoration is performed using the right techniques, it can serve the patient for many years or even a lifetime. Here are key points to ensure a successful and long-lasting restoration:

  1.  Permanent Restoration: The crown of the tooth should be restored with a high-quality material, such as a porcelain or ceramic crown, which provides durability and a natural appearance.  
  2. Proper Techniques: The restoration process should involve precise techniques to ensure a perfect fit and seal, preventing bacterial re-entry and further damage.
  3. Normal Functionality: The restored tooth should allow the patient to chew, bite, and function as they would with a natural tooth, providing comfort and confidence in everyday use.
  4. Long-Term Durability: With proper care and maintenance, including regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices, the restored tooth can last many years or even a lifetime.


By following these guidelines, patients can enjoy the benefits of a well-restored tooth after root canal treatment, maintaining both oral health and functionality.


Will there be discomfort after root canal treatment?


The patient may experience a slight toothache for a few days after root canal treatment. This pain can extend to discomfort when pressure is applied to the treated tooth. This is a normal response and typically resolves shortly after treatment



A dental filling is a method used to restore a damaged tooth to its original function and appearance.



How is filling treatment done?


1. Preparation of the Tooth:

  • The dentist prepares the remaining tooth tissue for the filling. If there is an old filling that needs to be removed or if the decay has been cleaned, the remaining tooth tissue is thoroughly cleaned and purified from these remnants.


2. Filling the Cavity:

  •  The dentist selects the appropriate filling material based on the tooth's position in the mouth, its function, aesthetic requirements, and the size of the filling.
  • The chosen material is then used to fill the gap created by the removal of decay or old filling material. This step ensures the tooth is restored to its natural shape and function.


3. Local Anesthesia:

  •  To ensure the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure, local anesthesia can be applied. This numbs the area around the tooth, making the process more comfortable for the patient.


4. Final Adjustments and Compatibility Check:

  •  After the filling material is placed, the dentist checks the compatibility of the filling with the surrounding teeth. This includes ensuring that the patient's bite is correct and that there is no excess material that could cause discomfort.

  •  Any excess material is carefully removed, and the filling is polished to matchthe natural contours of the tooth, ensuring a smooth finish.


In which cases is filling treatment performed?

Dental fillings are applied to teeth that have lost their integrity for various reasons. These include:

  •  Loss of Essence: Teeth that cannot fulfill their chewing function or do not look aesthetically pleasing.

  • Damage: Teeth that are broken, cracked, or decayed due to trauma or other factors.


What should be considered after filling treatment?

1.Wait for Anesthesia to Wear Off:

  •  If the filling treatment was performed under anesthesia, it is crucial not to eat before the effect of the anesthesia has passed. Eating while still numb can lead to accidental biting of the tongue, lips, or cheek.
  • After procedures applied to the upper jaw, the effect of anesthesia may last for approximately 3 hours. For the lower jaw's posterior teeth, the effect may last approximately 4-5 hours.

  • The duration of the anesthetic effect can vary from person to person.


2. Eating After the Procedure:

  • The time to eat after the procedure can vary depending on the filling material used. Some materials may set quickly, while others may require more time.
  •  It is important to follow the specific warnings and instructions provided by your dentist regarding when it is safe to eat.


Is sensitivity normal after filling treatment?


Experiencing pain and sensitivity in the treated tooth for up to 12 hours after the filling process is considered normal. An appropriate painkiller recommended by the dentist can be used to manage this discomfort. If the pain persists beyond 12 hours or worsens, it is recommended to consult your dentist.

Depending on the size of the tooth filling and the proximity to the tooth's living tissue, sensitivity to cold and hot temperatures may occur.


What to do if a tooth filling falls out?


Make a Dentist Appointment: Schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible, even if there is no pain. Getting a new filling promptly is important to prevent further damage or infection.

Avoid Hard Foods: Refrain from consuming hard foods to prevent additional damage to the tooth until you can see your dentist.

Maintain Oral Hygiene: Brush the area carefully to keep it clean. Good oral hygiene is essential to prevent bacteria from entering the exposed cavity.

Use the Other Side for Chewing: Try to avoid using the side of the mouth where the filling fell out while eating. This can help protect the area and minimize discomfort.

Temporary Protection: If needed, you can use over-the-counter dental cement or temporary filling material to cover the cavity temporarily until your dental appointment.



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